The global configuration allows you to set default values for all available props so you don't have to specify every one of them when using the popper directive or components.
It also describes the available themes.
You can change the configuration options during install with the arguments:
import FloatingVue from 'floating-vue'
Vue.use(FloatingVue, options)
Or directly on FloatingVue
import FloatingVue from 'floating-vue'
FloatingVue.options.distance = 12
For a specific theme:
import FloatingVue from 'floating-vue'
FloatingVue.options.themes.dropdown.distance = 12
Default values
The default global options are:
export const config: FloatingVueConfig = {
// Disable popper components
disabled: false,
// Default position offset along main axis (px)
distance: 5,
// Default position offset along cross axis (px)
skidding: 0,
// Default container where the tooltip will be appended
container: 'body',
// Element used to compute position and size boundaries
boundary: undefined,
// Skip delay & CSS transitions when another popper is shown, so that the popper appear to instanly move to the new position.
instantMove: false,
// Auto destroy tooltip DOM nodes (ms)
disposeTimeout: 5000,
// Triggers on the popper itself
popperTriggers: [],
// Positioning strategy
strategy: 'absolute',
// Prevent overflow
preventOverflow: true,
// Flip to the opposite placement if needed
flip: true,
// Shift on the cross axis to prevent the popper from overflowing
shift: true,
// Overflow padding (px)
overflowPadding: 0,
// Arrow padding (px)
arrowPadding: 0,
// Compute arrow overflow (useful to hide it)
arrowOverflow: true,
// Themes
themes: {
tooltip: {
// Default tooltip placement relative to target element
placement: 'top',
// Default events that trigger the tooltip
triggers: ['hover', 'focus', 'touch'],
// Close tooltip on click on tooltip target
hideTriggers: events => [, 'click'],
// Delay (ms)
delay: {
show: 200,
hide: 0,
// Update popper on content resize
handleResize: false,
// Enable HTML content in directive
html: false,
// Displayed when tooltip content is loading
loadingContent: '...',
dropdown: {
// Default dropdown placement relative to target element
placement: 'bottom',
// Default events that trigger the dropdown
triggers: ['click'],
// Delay (ms)
delay: 0,
// Update popper on content resize
handleResize: true,
// Hide on click outside
autoHide: true,
menu: {
$extend: 'dropdown',
triggers: ['hover', 'focus'],
popperTriggers: ['hover', 'focus'],
delay: {
show: 0,
hide: 400,